Return of the Tag Cloud — ajaxing the tagged

On my continuing quest to become more Web-2.0-ish, I’ve tried my luck tilting at… well, tag clouds. To get an idea what I’m talking about, please have a look.

These are the rudimentary basics to create a tag cloud like that.

In the controller

def tags
  @popular_tags = Tag.find_most_popular(:limit => 30)

In the view

<ul id="tags" class="tagcloud">
<% @popular_tags.sort_by(&:name).each do |t| -%>
  <%= weighted_tag t, tag_options %>
<% end -%>

or, to get a somewhat nicer look, and to demonstrate some of the options

  tag_options = {
    :wrap => ['li', '<span class="dlm">[</span>', '<span class="dlm">]</span>'],
    :min_size => 100, :max_size => 500,
    :link_options => { :class => 'tag' })
<ul id="tags" class="tagcloud">
<% @popular_tags.sort_by(&:name).each do |t| -%>
  <%= weighted_tag t, tag_options %>
<% end -%>

Here you can download a do-it-yourself kit of all the pieces.